Contact info:
English - B1+
Russian - native
I'm 20 years old BSUIR student. My goal is to continue learning web development, because i feel inspired while creating something new. Also I have good soft skills, that can help me to work in team and make my dream come true.
I learned basics of programming at my university in C/C++ (variables, operators, conditions, loops, data types, arrays, functions, OOP). Also i learned Computer Networks and Data Bases, that helped me a lot. With that knowledge i started learn new technologies.
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics,
Faculty of information technologies and control,
Information systems and technologies (in game design)
(third year)
I participated in React category and won a first place in a team of 4 members. We used gitflow model to control code versions.
Our task was to create a website to watch info about films using Kinopoisk API.
There is my projects repositories links. Just open them to see ReadMe with all info about projects.
Fullstack Web App (Trello Clone)
Frontend: React, RTK, RTK Query, Typescript, SCSS, Bootstrap, React Testing Library, Jest, Eslint
Backend: ExpressJS, Typescript, PrismaORM, JWT Auth, Nodemailer, Swagger, Eslint
Project Frontend
Project Backend
Fullstack Web App (Collections)
Frontend: React, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, Bootstrap, SASS
Backend: ASP.NET Core, MSSQL, Entity Framework Core, SignalR, JWT Auth
Frontend Web App (Cryptocurrency website)
Frontend: Next.js, Typescript, React Query, SASS
Also i have project with same functionality, but with other technologies
Frontend: React, Typescript, React Query, SASS
Backend: ExpressJS, Typescript, tRPC, PrismaORM, PostgreSQL
Tests: Cypress, Jest, Storybook
Fullstack Web App (Real-time draw board)
Frontend: React, Typescript, Bootstrap, Zustand
Backend: ASP.NET, MSSQL, SignalR
Fullstack Web App (Messenger)
Frontend: React, Typescript, Bootstrap, Zustand
Backend: ASP.NET, MSSQL, SignalR